Sunday, January 26, 2020
Flow Assurance Assignment Design Engineering Essay
Flow Assurance Assignment Design Engineering Essay INTRODUCTION This report describes about the design of subsea pipeline that transfers condensate from satellite platform to processing platform. Designing of subsea pipeline and compiling this report exclusive design programme called Pipesim from Schlumberger is used. This programme used for designing and analyses for oil and gas production. And also analysis flow line and surface facility performance to produce complete production system analysis. OBJECTIVES Avoid the formation of hydrate; Screen the pipeline for severe riser slugging to avoid its occurrence; Size a slug catcher; Optimise the insulation of the pipelines Carry out an corrosion and erosion analysis Provide engineering data PIPELINE EXPLANTION The pipeline begins from satellite platform. From that platform it goes down to 400 feet into sea bed. Then pipeline laid for 6.8 miles on the sea floor. Pipeline is connected to riser and taking upto platform surface.Here that will be connected to water seperator and multiphase pump. The water seperator has to be 90 % efficiency and about multiphase pump there has three choices of 50, 100, and 200 HP with efficiency of 80 %. After multiphase pump comes down with riser about 400 feet and connected to pipeline.This horizontal pipieline laid for 5 miles.End point of this pipeline connected to riser and taken upto platform. From that platfrom, pipeline travels over the sea to processing platform for 8 miles.Every technical datas are provided in appendix 2. Schematic sketch of pipeline is given below from Pipesim: Pipeline Design Selection of Internal Diameter of Pipeline In this project, we have choice of pipeline ID size 8, 10 and 12.Condensate should have to reach in processing platform terminal with minimum pressure of 1000 psia. By doing analysis with three unlike IDs only a combined pipe size of 10 and 12 achieved minimum pressure at processing platform. For 11,000 stb/d and 6000 stb/d, minimum arrival pressure is 1425 psia and 1,109 psia respectively got from graph. For multiphase pump decided to choose 50 HP. After selection of pump and pipeline size, these have to be checked in pressure temperature profile analysis for ensuring arrival pressure at processing platform above 1,000 psia ( Shown in appendix 1). Pipeline Insulation Minimum arrival temperature of condensate is 750F at processing platform. For attaining this value, the pipeline has to be insulted due to heat transfer loss. For finding out how much insulation have to use in pipeline done through by using pressure temperature analysis. For this insulation analysis is started with thickness of 0.25 and if its not satisfied, hence we have to increment 0.25 continuously. Thickness selection can be done through by clicking in pipeline and enter values in heat transfer tab. There we can enter pipe conductivity, ambient temperature and burial depth. After entering all these values we will get an insulation thickness of 6 and minimum arrival temperature as 81.50F. These arrival temperature satisfys both processing platform temperature and formation of hydrate ( Shown in appendix 1, figure 4). Formation of Hydrate Hydrates are formed at high pressure and low temperature with combination of water and gas. Usually hydrates are formed inside subsea pipelines like plug formation. This can create major issues in oil and gas industry and resultant will be damaging of pipelines as well as processing facility. To hinder hydrates, inhibitors are used in pipelines. Widely used inhibitor is methanol. Hydrate formation condition provided in notes as follows: Temperature Temperature 1500 psia After taking amount of insulation in account for getting an arrival temperature above 750F is satisfied from above results. And keeping temperature and pressure in limited figures can control formation of hydrates in pipeline. From graph values (Shown in appendix 1, figure 4) above conditions are satisfied: Liquid flow rate corresponding pressure and temperature 6,000 stb/d: 1425 psia 81.5 0F respectively. Liquid flow rate corresponding pressure and temperature 11,000 stb/d: 1109 psia 100 0F respectively. Screening for severe riser slugging Number of factors is caused due to slug formation in riser. Some of them are given below. 1. When Pipeline elevation is slightly downward before riser connection 2. If fluid flow pattern is segregated By using PI-SS number riser slugging can be determined. Riser slugging can be conformed when number is less than 1.Then slug catcher have to be designed by using pipesim. PI-SS number can be calculated through report from pipesim. By using this simulation software can be generate two reports. Out file can be obtained from report file and flow map. Then re-run model and from that out file obtained. Low PI-SS numbers are highlighted in out file. Riser slugging happens in flow line 1. This shows that slug catcher have to be design. Design of Slug Catcher The slug catcher size is determined based on following three criteria. They are The essential to hold the major slug in future Necessity for handling liquid comes out from pig Required for store the slug where production rate is increased to 6000 to 11000 stb/d Following values are calculated from design. The output file is shown in Appendix and biggest one in one thousand slug size is originated. In this report it is calculated to 2211.168 feet. From the value we have got slug volume 2892.93 ft3. For second value taken from the liquid cleaned in front of a pig can be checked. It is clear that the minimum flow gives larger volume about 1801.512 bbl or 10114.73 ft3. Now calculated is liquid delayed when flow is increased 6000 to 11000 stb/d. This is dissimilarity in total delay between the two flow rates. That means 3201.99 bbl 2459 bbl = 742.25 bbl = 4164.0225 ft3. Therefore the pigging volume is 10114.73 ft3 (Appendix 1, Figure: 6,7,8) . Corrosion and erosion analysis Corrosion and erosion are main concern in pipelines and this have to be kept very low. When erosion occurs, it reduces pipeline diameter. This has to be replaced before when it reaches to minimum value. Corrosion is occurred due to many reasons. This is major problem in oil and gas industry. The erosion analysis is done through following steps. Software analysis is done and the plot is got from erosion velocity ratio in Y axis and total distance from X axis. From graph flow is not exceeding value one which shows that there will be no erosion occurring in pipeline. ( Appendix 1, Figure : 2) Engineering Data Flowline 1 Flowline 2 Flowline3 Size of Pipeline ( Inches) 10 10 10 Insulation Thickness 6 6 6 Riser size: 10 inches Multiphase pump: 50 HP Slugging: Yes Size of Slug Catcher: 10114.73 ft3 Erosion or Corrosion: No Conclusion Pipesim is tool used for designing pipeline and for getting exact performance in system. In this project, for flowline 1 and flowline 2 are used 10 inch pipeline size. For flowline 3, pipeline size is 12 inch. After considering flowlines sizes we will achieve minimum arrival pressure and temperature at processing platform. Formation of hydrate was eliminated by proper insulation and multiphase pump power. Slugging is found in simulation for that reason we have provided slug catcher. Analyzing erosion and corrosion proved that there will be no erosion in pipeline. Generally project is successfully designed according to requirement. REFERENCE: Pipesim Help Class notes from Dr Shuisheng. He E.D.Sloan, Clathrate Hydrates of Natural Gas APPENDIX 1 Figure 1: Pressure Temperature Figure 2 : Erosional velocity ratio- Total distance Figure3 : Pressure Vs Total distance Figure 4 : Temperature Vs Total distance Figure 5 : Pressure Vs Total distance ( without flow rate) Figure 6 : PI-SS Number Figure 7: Largest 1/1000 slug length Figure 8: Liquid by sphere number
Saturday, January 18, 2020
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
â€Å"The Lottery†by Shirley Jackson opens on a warm June day in a town of about three hundred people, and describes an annual event in the town, a tradition that is apparently widespread among surrounding villages as well. While the townspeople, more than 300, await the arrival of Mr. Summers, and the black wooden box from which everyone is to draw a folded slip of paper, adults chat while children play a game in which they gather stones. The event for which they gather is a lottery conducted by Mr. Summers, a neatly dressed, jovial business man with a wife, but no children. Although many traditional customs associated with the lottery seemed to have been lost over time, Mr. Summers still has †a great deal of fussing to be done†before he declares the lottery open. He has created lists of households, including the heads of households in each family, and members of each household in each family. Just as Mr. Summers turned to the assembled villagers, Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson, a house wife, arrives late just then, telling Mrs. Delacroix that she â€Å"Clean forgot what day it was†until she noticed that her children had left her house, and remembered it was the day of the lottery. Mrs. Tessie Hutchinson than makes her way through the crowd to her husband, while the villagers comment on her arrival. Mr. Summers begins the necessity of confirming everyone’s attendance, and clarifying whom will represent the family. When everything is finalized , each representative is called up one after another, and nervously draws a folded slip of paper from the black box. While people are called up, one of the villagers presents the idea of other towns giving up the lottery. Old Man Warner snorts in reply, â€Å"Pack of crazy fools, Listening to young folks, nothing's good enough for them. Next thing you know, they'll be wanting to go back to living in caves, nobody work anymore, live that way for awhile. Used to be a saying about ‘Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.' First thing you know, we'd all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There's always been a lottery.†This statement sets the importance of this annual event, and the strong beliefs of the town. When the big moment arrives, everyone is silent until the name of Bill Hutchinson rapidly spreads throughout the crowd. Tessie Hutchinson, Bill’s wife, shouts out to Mr. Summers that he didn’t give Bill enough time, and that its not fair. Tessie is silenced, and Mr. summers recons for the family of Bill Hutchinson to come forward. Bill, Tessie, and their three children than proceed as every family of the lottery ever has, and draws a new folded piece of paper from the black box. One by one the family unfolds their piece of paper to determine the sacrificed. Tessie Hutchinson , the declared winner, was led to the center of a cleared space, and with her hands desperately held out in front of her she was hit with the first stone. Everyone then closed in on her, picked up the rocks, the â€Å"proceeds†of the lottery, and stones her to death. â€Å"Although the villagers had forgotten the ritual, and lost the original black box, they still remembered to use stones.à ¢â‚¬ The Lottery by Shirley Jackson There are many characters that are named in Shirley Jackson’s short story, â€Å"The Lottery†. Mr. Summers, a kindly man who runs a coal business, Mr. Martin and his sons, Baxter and Bobby. There is Mr. Graves, the man who helped Mr. Summers prepare the lottery, and Old Man Warner. There is Mr. Hutchinson, Mrs. Hutchinson, and their daughter Eva and son-in-law, Donâ€â€just to name a few. And although Jackson’s story has many characters, she is most interested in the social phenomenon of the lottery than she is in the characters, themselves. Instead, the characters serve as a means to depict â€Å"a graphic demonstration of the pointless violence and general inhumanity in people’s lives†(213). From the start of the story, throughout, and in the end, Jackson defines her view of society’s insouciant attitude toward violence with the villagers’ apathetic way of life. Every year on June 27th, the families of the village (and of other towns, too) gather in the center of town and participate in a lottery which culminates with the stoning death of a member of one of the families. This heinous tale takes place amid a pleasant setting, â€Å"The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green†(213). She writes of the children playing and little boys gathering stones that are stockpiled and guarded and ready for the kill. Jackson stupefies the reader as she describes how the lottery is meticulously prepared by Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves, with such pomp and circumstance: â€Å"There was a great deal of fussing to be done before Mr. Summers declared the lottery open†(214). Then there’s poor Mrs. Hutchinson, who, in her ominous late arrival, is greeted by Mr. Summers, â€Å"Thought we were going to have to get on without you, Tessie†, and she jokingly replies, â€Å"Wouldn’t have me leave m’dishes in the sink, now would you, Joe? †(215). It is this kind of small-talk among the villagers that makes this incredulous social phenomenon more significant than the characters. As fate would have it, Mr. Hutchinson draws the slip of paper with the black dot on it. â€Å"You didn’t give him time enough to take any paper he wanted. I saw you. It wasn’t fair! †(217). Fair? Because her husband draws the paper with the black dot on it, it is inevitable that someone from her family or even herself, will be stoned to death. â€Å"Be a good sport, Tessie. All of us took the same chance†(217). Even the innocent children are included in the lottery. Do these people have any sense of right or wrong? Tessie Hutchinson draws the paper with the black dot on it. Her neighbors, her friends, â€Å"and someone gave little Davy Hutchinson a few pebbles†(218), with which to hurl upon his mother. This sick ritual spares no one. The mere thought of this annual lottery is mind-boggling. The matter-of-fact way in which the villagers carried themselves throughout the event as though they are conducting an election of some sort is unconscionable. Jackson’s writing is brimming with obdurate expressions. As the stoning begins, â€Å"All right, folks, let’s finish quickly†, (218). They want to â€Å"be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner†(213). Unbelievable. Hello Lisa, I really enjoyed the insight you offered in your journal. You make very good use of the book by including a great number of citations in your essay and your vocabulary definitely adds to the reader’s understanding of your journal and the passage overall. While you have ample evidence to support your claims throughout your entry, I found a few grammatical and technical errors that I would like to point out: 1. ) â€Å"And although Jackson’s story has many characters, she is most interested in the social phenomenon of the lottery than she is in the characters, themselves. – You do not need a comma before â€Å"themselves†, as a comma separates the thoughts and almost prepares the reader for a new thought. 2. ) â€Å"She writes of the children playing and little boys gathering stones that are stockpiled and guarded and ready for the kill. †– A better way of writing this could be: â€Å"She writes of children playing and gathering stones to be stockpiled, guarded, and readied for the kill. †3. ) â€Å"Jackson stupefies the reader as she describes how the lottery is meticulously prepared by Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves, with such pomp and circumstance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ – Again, you do not need a comma before â€Å"with such pomp and circumstance†, as you are not introducing a new thought. 4. ) Putting â€Å"unbelievable†at the end of your journal weakens it a little bit as you do not further the claim and give it some evidence. Overall, I think you did a really great job answering the question and giving solid evidence to your claims. From your journal essay, I was able to see that the social phenomenon that the writer is talking about is the desensitizing of our culture as a whole! Good work and good luck for the rest of the semester!
Friday, January 10, 2020
Barbara buyer memo
I was told about the details of your situation. I am aware that you want to bring a lawsuit against Sam salesperson and the seller. I have done some research and gathered the following information for you. The ethical issues involved in your situation include violation of full disclosure, unfair practices, and breech of contract. Sam Salesperson failed to disclose to the seller that you requested an extension of the earnest money payment, and did not tell you this. Sam Salesperson Intentionally let time lapse to void your contract in order to accept a higher offer.There are several causes of action in your case. You may bring action against the seller and Sam Salesperson based on a breach of contract. Because you had an agreement with the seller. There was a lack of communication between the salesperson and seller. There are grounds for fraud here based on Sam Salesperson not Intending to let the timeline for the earnest payment lapse. You also have grounds for negligent misrepresent ation based on a breach of fiduciary duty to you.You may request that the judge rescind the purchase contract as you had a contract with salesperson and seller before the higher offer was discovered. You had a contract agreement with the leer to purchase real estate which was breached when the seller accepted the higher offer. You also had a contract with the salesperson which was breached when you failed to pay the earnest money by the deadline. Even though Sam salesperson failed to notify the seller of your request for extension you are the one who breached the contract since there was never a stipulation extending the time for you to pay. A contract is created at law when there is a mutual exchange of promises upon reasonably understandable terms and conditions. A contract does not have to be reduced to writing in order to be enforceable†(ass) http://www. Us. Deed/counsel/ brief/contractions. HTML Remedies: You may request damages which would be measured by the difference in the price stated in your contract to buy the real estate and the price of the higher price it was sold for.Rescission and restitution in order to cancel the contract with the subsequent buyer and pay restitution as punitive damages for time lost. Elements of a contract: Offer, acceptance, and consideration. The breach of contract is when one party Involved failed to fully or adequately perform the duty the contract provided. RE-28-1 101 . Dunes to Client A. A licensee owes a fiduciary duty to the client and shall protect and promote the client's Interests. The licensee shall also deal fairly with all other parties to a transaction.Barbara buyer memo By fruitychick2000 the earnest money payment, and did not tell you this. Sam Salesperson intentionally are grounds for fraud here based on Sam Salesperson not intending to let the the Judge rescind the purchase contract as you had a contract with salesperson and involved failed to fully or adequately perform the duty the contract prov ided. RE-28-1101. Dunes to Client client's interests. The licensee shall also deal fairly with all other parties to a
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Case2-Loewen Group-Capital Structure - 9064 Words
rP os t 9-201-082 REV: MARCH 4, 2002 op yo The Loewen Group, Inc. (Abridged) In March 1999, John Lacey and the management team at the Loewen Group, Inc., had to decide what course of action to take in light of the company’s imminent financial difficulties. On January 22, 1999, Lacey, a renowned turnaround specialist, was appointed chairman of Loewen, the second largest death care company in North America. Headquartered in Burnaby, British Columbia, Loewen owned over 1,100 funeral homes and more than 400 cemeteries in the U.S. and Canada; it also owned 32 funeral homes in the United Kingdom. The company had come a long way since its modest beginnings in Canada, where Ray Loewen, the founder (and, until recently,†¦show more content†¦This document is authorized for use only by Lawrence He until February 2012. Copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. or 617.783.7860. The Loewen Group, Inc. (Abridged) rP os t 201-082 Loewen had not yet missed any payments on its debt, and had approximately $30 million of cash on hand. However, this would not be sufficient to meet several large interest and principal payments that were due over the coming months. A payment default would only make negotiations with creditors more difficult, and increase the likelihood of bankruptcy. This possibility would no doubt weigh heavily on the managers’ minds as they turned to the important task of restructuring the company’s debts. The Death Care Business op yo The primary activities of death care firms include the provision of funeral, burial, and cremation services, and related products like cemetery plots, caskets, urns, and gravesite markers. Funeral services and cemetery plots can be sold either on an â€Å"at-need†basis (i.e., at the time of death), or on a â€Å"prearranged†or â€Å"pre-need†basis. In the latter case, payment for a funeral service or cemetery plot is made in advance, and the proceeds are either held in trust or invested in an insurance policy (that names the death care firm as beneficiary). tC
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