Wednesday, December 25, 2019
How Does Priestley Present Gerald As An Upper Class Man...
How does Priestley present Gerald as an upper-class man? An Inspector Calls is a play written in 1945 by J.B Priestly. It was set in 1912 where there were strong distinctions between the upper and lower classes. Therefore, to convey the socialist message, Priestly portrays characters from the upper class in an exposed manner. He definitely doesn’t hide any of their flaws. Gerald Croft is one of the main characters in the play that Priestly has done a great job at showing the thoughts of the upper class. Gerald Croft is an aristocrat; the son of ‘Lady Croft’. Aristocracy was social class considered the highest of that society. Therefore, he is above the Birlings socially. At the beginning of Act 1, Mr Birling told Gerald that his mum, ‘while she doesn’t object to my girl, feels you might have done better socially’. Mr Birling knows that his parents were not particularly impressed by the engagement ,which may be why they declined the invitation to the dinner, and he tries to impress him by saying how he might get a knighthood. Mr Birling sees Gerald as an asset for not only his company (as Gerald works at his father s company, Crofts Limited, which is both bigger and older than Mr Birling’s company) but an opportunity for him to climb higher in the social system. This attitude contrasts to Gerald’s attitude a bit because he was prepared to marry Sheila, despite her lower social position. The fact that Gerald is younger than Mr Birling cou ld be the reason for him being nonShow MoreRelatedArthur Birling Says: â€Å"If We Were All Responsible for Everything That Happened to Everybody We’d Had Anything to Do with, It Would Be Very Awkward Wouldn’t It?†How Does Priestley Present Ideas About Responsibility in an Inspector Calls?1009 Words  | 5 Pageswouldn’t it?†How does Priestley present ideas about responsibility in An Inspector Calls? In An Inspector Calls, one of the main themes is responsibility. Priestley is interested in our personal responsibility for our own actions and our collective responsibility to society. The play explores the effect of class, age and sex on peoples attitudes to responsibility, and shows how prejudice can prevent people from acting responsibly. In this essay I am going to explain how Priestley presents the themeRead MoreEssay on Mrs Birling in An Inspector Calls1437 Words  | 6 Pagesessay is going to explore how J.B. Priestley creates such a disagreeable character and why the audience feels this way about her. Priestley represents Mrs Birling, as a very posh and high class woman. She, like her husband, can be very self-important, for example, when the Inspector says, Youre not telling me the truth and she replies, I beg your pardon! She seems horrified that somebody could speak like that to a lady of her class. This is not only an example of how she is portrayed as self-importantRead MorePriestleys Main Aim in An Inspector Calls2899 Words  | 12 Pagessociety. I am going to explore the way Priestley communicates these messages. An Inspector Calls was written in 1945, however is set in an earlier time period of before World War 1. The first impression we get from the play is that it is a typical detective story. This is due to the fact that a dinner consisting of the Birling family and their guest Gerald Croft, is interrupted by the arrival of an inspector who presents the news that there has been a suicidal deathRead MorePriestley’s Main Aim in An Inspector Calls Essay1420 Words  | 6 Pagesresponsible for each other’. This is something Priestly felt strongly about and he succeeded in representing his views through the character of the Inspector in the play itself. He wanted to communicate the message that our actions, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, always affect others. He uses the downfall of Eva Smith and a chain of events to demonstrate this. This leads to a very convincing and well-devised play, which puts across JB Priestley’s views clearly and Read MoreEssay on ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestley3562 Words  | 15 PagesHow has watching a production of ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestley enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play? Refer to themes and characters in your analysis. ‘An Inspector Calls’ – J.B. Priestley ===================================== Twentieth Century Drama Coursework ---------------------------------- Task: How has watching a production of ‘An Inspector Calls’ by J.B.Priestley enhanced the script and furthered your understanding of the play? Refer toRead MoreTheme of Responsibility in an Inspector Calls3878 Words  | 16 PagesBut who is Inspector Goole? And who is the girl whose suicide he is apparently investigating? Priestley deliberately set his play in 1912 because the date represented an era when all was very different from the time he was writing. In 1912, rigid class and gender boundaries seemed to ensure that nothing would change. Yet by 1945, most of those class and gender divisions had been breached. Priestley wanted to make the most of these changes. Through this play, he encourages people to seize theRead MoreByj.b Priestley s An Inspector Calls2350 Words  | 10 Pagesis a definitive play written by J.B Priestley. Published in 1946, however set in the early years before The First World War, this play explores the many aspects of society that were diminishing during Priestley’s life. It stages, the Birling Family – high class and respected within their society, however frankly their false faà §ade, was slowly stripped away revealing, their inner, hidden, corrupt morals. Whilst having a riveting and uncanny twist, the play does indeed, explore many themes, in whichRead MoreAn Inspector Calls By. Priestley1741 Words  | 7 PagesJB Priestley wrote ‘An Inspector Calls’ in 1945 during the Second World War, however the play was set in 1912 just before World War 1 and the sinking of the Titanic. He did this to show the audience that society wasn’t equal. Both authors write in times that present issues of sexism, racism and soc ial divide between the working class and the upper class. The play was first performed in 1946; Priestley became increasingly aware of social inequality of life in Britain and believed that people shouldRead MoreEssay on The Role of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls4710 Words  | 19 PagesThe Role of the Inspector in An Inspector Calls An Inspector Calls is a play with many social and political messages. J. B. Priestley believed a great deal in socialism and he used several of his plays to try and influence people to be Socialist as well. It was written in a time when Britain was ruled by a Labour government and socialist policies were seen as the way forward. It was a popular way of thinking at that time so Priestleys aim for the play was probably to teach the unconvinced. Read MoreJ.B. Priestleys An Inspector Calls1765 Words  | 8 Pages An Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestley is set in an industrial city, Brymley in 1912, just before the First World War. The Inspectors dealings with the Birling family cause some of the characters in the play to re-evaluate their position in society, whilst others remain unaffected. J.B.Priestley criticises middle class oppression of the working class by showing how the Birlings and Gerald Croft are involved in making a young working class girls life a misery. Act
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Roman Empire and Its Influence on Western...
The Roman Empire and Its Influence on Western Civilization Romes vast empire lasted for an amazing one thousand-year reign. Half of it referred to as the republic, and the other as the empire. However, after its fall in 5oo-a.d. Rome has still remained in existence through its strong culture, architecture, literature, and even religion (Spielvogel 175). Even after its disappearance as a nation Rome left behind a legacy that will never be forgotten. Its ideals and traditions have been immolated, and adopted for over two thousand years. Whether, it is through its language of Latin, its influence of religion, or its amazing architectural ability Rome has influenced almost every culture following its demise. The heritage of Rome has†¦show more content†¦His goal was to once again have Rome rule. Even after his death, his followers devoted their rule to keeping this dream of Rome alive, and successfully did so until 1806 (160). Not only was Rome highly influential back in its prime, but many of its ideals are still remaining strong in so me form or another. A perfect example of this is the United States. Even in the Pledge of Allegiance there are traces of Rome. For part of it states that; ? By the republic for which it stands? this says that this country is ran under a republic. Just as Rome in its first five hundred year reign. We have adopted the same thought that through our senators, who are elected by the people, a better country can be developed. This is an almost exact adoption of the Roman states system that implies a highly centralized government can run an entire nation effectively. In addition, to the Roman government, the modern world has been influenced by Roman architecture as well. In every country and every state these days you will find roads or some type of paved road system. This derived from early Roman architectures. The Romans were the first to set up a highly advanced concrete road system that would aide in traveling. Although not as sophisticated as todays roads, the concrete used was not much different from what is used today. In fact the Roman constructed roads are still intact today. Along with roadShow MoreRelatedThe Influences On Western Civilization1559 Words  | 7 PagesThe Influences on Western Civilization by the Hebrew-Christian and Greco-Roman Traditions Western Civilization, as it is known today, is a coalescence of various cultures, ideologies, and practices that have been preserved over centuries of human life. Although a countless number of societies have influenced Western Civilization, Hebrew-Christian civilizations and Greco-Roman civilizations have been the two most influential. Both of these civilizations and their traditions have left equally deepRead MoreEarly Western Civilization: Molded by Conflict or Consensus842 Words  | 3 Pages The question has been posed whether early Western Civilization was molded by conflict between civilizations or by consensus between divergent civilizations. Although it can be argued that both conflict and consensus have affected the development of Western Civilization, one of these has had more of an influence than the other. As early as Ca 3000, at the dawn of civilization, there has been conflict. When the city-states of Sumer were established, warfare and competition broke out due to disagreementsRead MoreThe Roman And Roman Civilization1036 Words  | 5 PagesThe Roman civilization isn’t a vague memory from the past, but is instead still present everywhere you look in Western civilization. It isn’t easy to ignore or miss the greatness that once was and still is from this grand empire. The Roman culture’s greatness was based off the imitation, but vastly improved ideas of nearby cultures for its own purpose. The majority of the concepts or ideas in Rome came from their association with the Etruscan, Egyptian and Greek civilizations. Yet, the Roman culture’sRead MoreThe Differences Between Greeks And Romans1225 Words  | 5 PagesGreeks and Romans civilization achievements were put into the categories of politics, religion, and intellectualism. Religion has performed a major role in developments of societies. The main points that will be discussed in this paper are the overall benefits and consequences of religion, and the change s that were made. The beginnings of Christianity are very blurry, as far as historical fact is concerned. The tragedy of the Roman invasion resulted in the Greeks having to change there out lookRead MoreAncient Greek And Romes Impact On Western Literature1642 Words  | 7 Pages The impact greek and roman culture had on western civilization The ancient Greeks and Romans were two of the greatest civilizations of the ancient world. The two civilizations thrived in their ancient environments which eventually led to a large amount of wealth within these two cultures. It is because of this that these ancient cultures were able to make a variety of advancements in literature, architecture, art and many other fields. These two civilizations also produced some of the ancient world’sRead MoreCivilization is Connected from the Mesopotamians to the Powerful Roman Empire836 Words  | 4 Pagesplethora of events, people, and concepts that have left an enduring influence. Society has developed many components which became foundational to Western culture from the Mesopotamian civilizations to the emergence of the Romans. The contributions of a variety of cultures shaped the course of Western history. The Mesopotamians and Egyptians are among the first civilizations to make a valuable contribution to Western Civilization. Both Babylonians and Egyptians managed to produce written systemsRead MoreThe Rise and Fall of the Roman and Islamic Civilizations1561 Words  | 7 Pagesother early civilizations. Sometime between 1,500 and 1,000 B.C.E. groups of warlike people, speaking a common language we refer to as Italic, began moving into the Italian peninsula from across the Adriatic Sean. One of these peoples was the Latins. By 800 B.C.E. the Latins established Seven Hills near the Tiber River. Around this same time the Etruscans moved into present day Italy. The Etruscans turned seven villages into the city of Rome ruled by a monarchy. 509 B.C.E. the Romans overthrew theRead Morethe roman empire is the greatest civilization of all time1187 Words  | 5 PagesThe Roman Empire was the period of time after the Roman Republic and before the Byzantine Empire from 29 B.C. to A.D. 476. It was the highest point of Roman civilization, greater than any prior empires and towers over even the empires after it; it triumphed over the world . The Roman Republic was what built up the foundation for the Roman Empire. During the Republic, a small group of people started from scratch and developed their own systems, which later develops into the Roman Empire. The strongRead MoreRoman Culture And Western Civilization2038 Words  | 9 PagesAs the Romans held on to Greek culture so eagerly it quickly became the foundation of Roman culture. Roman forms of architecture evolved mostly from reshaping Greek models, but clearly stands apart from its ancestors. The Romans were quick to adopt new techniques in construction; new use of materials, and new architectural structures. The Romans made innovations to fully fulfill the practical needs for the society as a whole. Among these architectural changes basilicas, temples, amphitheaters, bridgesRead MoreWestern Civilization: A Very Brief Overview from the Romans to the Counter-Reformation1111 Words  | 5 Pagessouth to the Greek cities were absorbed by the Romans. Throughout this century, Roman acquired architectural styles and skills in road construction, sanitation, hydraulic engineering to include underground conduits. By the sixth century, Rome evolved into a republic, landowners, aristocrats and patricians overthrew the Etruscan king and religion governed the people, dictated the laws and legitimized the rule of the patricians. As they evolved the Romans loosened the grip between religion and politics
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Development and Future Research Perspectives †MyAssignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Development and Future Research Perspectives. Answer: Introduction The report helps in analysing the business model canvas of Uber Eats Company. The report will help in describing the different kind of strategies that will help the company in gaining competitive advantage. The key relationship between the nine building blocks will be described as this will help in analysing the importance of the same. The critical success factors will be discussed as this will analyse the different changes that are required in the BMC of Uber Eats. The main aim and purpose of the report is to understand the different products and services that is delivered by Uber Eats to their customers. Proper analysis is required to be done as to understand the evaluation of the downside risk in the respective business. The structure of the report includes analysis of the description of business along with different kind of products and services. The analysis is required to be done as this will identify the critical success factors and recommendations. Uber Eats is one of the American online ordering of food along with delivery platform that was launched by Uber in the year 2014. The respective company was founded in the year 2014 in San Francisco California. The respective business partners with different kind of restaurants in many cities around the entire world. It is one of the online food ordering application that has helped them in gaining competitive advantage ("Food Delivery at the Tap of a Button | Uber Eats", 2018). Uber Eats Company is one such food delivery system company application that has helped the customers in getting and receiving their orders in less than thirty minutes and this has increased their expectations from the respective application as well. Uber Eats has introduced the car application in 2009, and it has received huge success in the entire competitive market as well. Products and Services of Uber Eat There are different kind of food and services of Uber Eat wherein it includes fast delivery of food items to the customers. The app helps the company in delivering the food within 30 minutes and it is serving in the entire world as well (Demil et al., 2015). Dara Khosrowshahi is the CEO of the company wherein this has helped the company to make competitive gain in the entire market. The application provides different kind of offers and discounts to the regular customers as this helps them in being competitive in nature in comparison to the competitors. The other products and services include the different kind of offers and discounts to customers effectively (Wirtz et al., 2016). Business Canvas Model of Uber Eats Key Partner Retail or restaurants or the food store Delivery suppliers of the respective company Key Activities Building proper relationships with different retail stores Managing the order of the customers and prosses for the food that is delivered Acquisition of different customers Value Proposition Selling food items within a few amounts of time Customer Relationships Social media Review, rating and feedback system Customer support chat Customer Segments Merchant Those who wish to offer different kind of services in Uber Eats Partner Different kind of eatery wherein there is no delivery system Delivery Provider Freelancing kind of work to buy the same extra money The delivery individuals receive tips as well Customer Individuals who do not wish to go to restaurants and eat Person who may wish to order food Key Resources Different advancement of technology Freelancing delivery provider Partnerships with different kind of local providers Channels Digital kind of marketing Mobile applications Website Cost Structure Running costs Technology setup Pay regular salary to the employees along with the freelance delivery individuals Revenue Streams Customers Delivery Fees Merchant Commission for different services that has been ordered by mobile app or website Key Relationships between nine building blocks Proper key relationship is essential in nature among the building blocks of the Business Canvas Model of Uber Eats. The key partners of the BMC are essential in nature as this will help in creating different kind of alliances for different kind of partners of the entire organization. Proper combination of knowledge and specialization is essential as this will help in constituting for analysing the new kind of relationship (Upward Jones, 2016). The key activities are essential as this will help in canvassing different kind of customers that helps the company in an effectual manner (Schaltegger, Hansen Ldeke-Freund, 2016). The resources are essential in nature in the organization wherein it includes financial, human resource and other marketing activities in gaining competitive advantage in an effectual manner (Veit et al., 2014). The customer relationship is essential in nature as this will help the company in gaining more revenues and profit in the future. The channels along with cost and revenue structures are essential in nature as this will help the company in understanding the streams of gaining revenue in the entire competitive market. The revenue model helps the company in understanding the innovation that is required to be done as this will help in solving such issues and gain competitive advantage as well (Foss Saebi, 2017). Critical Success Factors There are different kind of critical success factors of Uber Eats that has to be analysed by the company wherein this will help them in gaining success in the market. The different critical success factors are as follows: Firstly, the company Uber Eats will gain more customer towards the company as they will order food items and this will increase their sales (Joyce Paquin, 2016) Secondly, the Uber Eats Company will help in increasing loyalty of the customers towards their brand and this will help in understanding the different requirements of customers in an effectual manner Lastly, the company can provide trust factor to the customers as this will help in providing services that will be trustworthy in nature. The other success factor of the company is that it has helped the company in building and managing healthy relationships with the customers and employees in the market (Dijkman et al., 2015) Downside Risks There are different kind of risks involved in the Uber Eats Company wherein it will include the following: Firstly, there can be issues related to the application wherein this will affect the image of the company badly (Carayannis, Sindakis Walter, 2015) Secondly, there can be payment issues on the app wherein the customers money can be debited, however the order was not placed. This will affect the trust worthiness of the customers as well (DaSilva Trkman, 2014) Lastly, the company can have issues related to the customer support chat system wherein this can cause issues and problems to the customers as well. the payment system can be an issue in the Uber Eats Company wherein this can create huge issues and this will create issues on the attitude of the customers as well (Bocken et al., 2014) However, these downside risks of Uber Eats Company have to be removed in an effectual manner wherein this will help the company in solving issues and attract more customers in the market. The mitigation of the downside risks is essential in nature in Uber Eats Company as there are different other competitors in the market who can attract customers effectively with the implementation of different technological advancements. However, the company has to understand the issues related to the nine building blocks of BMC as this will help them in getting an idea of analysing the issues and solve them appropriately. Recommendations and requirement of changes Therefore, it can be recommended that there is different requirement of the changes that includes that the company needs to implement the different kind of software upgradation system wherein this will help the company in solving the issues in the application. Furthermore, the company can implement more delivery executives wherein this will help the company to gain more competitive advantage in the future. The company needs to increase the channel of partnership wherein the technological advancements can help the company in building relationship with the employees among the customers in an effectual manner. The channels of the company have to be improved in an effectual manner as this will help the company in solving the different demands of the customers effectively. The payment system has to be made more secured in nature as this will help the company in understanding the issues faced by customers previously. The payment systems have to be more secured and there has to be implementation of feedback chat system wherein the customers can include their different issues and get them solved or the amount can be refunded when the customers do not get the delivery of food items in an effectual manner. Conclusion Therefore, it can be concluded that business canvas model of Uber Eats has helped in understanding the different relationship between the nine building blocks of the BMC model. The different kind of strategies that are critical success factors has been introduced that has helped in understanding the different success factors that will help in solve the different issues. There are different contributions towards the downside risk wherein it has been analysed effectively and solved them effectually. Lastly, the recommendations have been discussed wherein the company has been able to understand the issues and solved them effectively. References Food Delivery at the Tap of a Button | Uber Eats. Food Delivery at the Tap of a Button | Uber Eats, Bocken, N. M., Short, S. W., Rana, P., Evans, S. (2014). A literature and practice review to develop sustainable business model archetypes.Journal of cleaner production,65, 42-56. Carayannis, E. G., Sindakis, S., Walter, C. (2015). Business model innovation as lever of organizational sustainability.The Journal of Technology Transfer,40(1), 85-104. DaSilva, C. M., Trkman, P. (2014). Business model: What it is and what it is not.Long range planning,47(6), 379-389. Demil, B., Lecocq, X., Ricart, J. E., Zott, C. (2015). Introduction to the SEJ special issue on business models: business models within the domain of strategic entrepreneurship.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,9(1), 1-11. Dijkman, R. M., Sprenkels, B., Peeters, T., Janssen, A. (2015). Business models for the Internet of Things.International Journal of Information Management,35(6), 672-678. Foss, N. J., Saebi, T. (2017). Fifteen years of research on business model innovation: how far have we come, and where should we go?.Journal of Management,43(1), 200-227. Joyce, A., Paquin, R. L. (2016). The triple layered business model canvas: A tool to design more sustainable business models.Journal of Cleaner Production,135, 1474-1486. Schaltegger, S., Hansen, E. G., Ldeke-Freund, F. (2016). Business models for sustainability: Origins, present research, and future avenues. Upward, A., Jones, P. (2016). An ontology for strongly sustainable business models: Defining an enterprise framework compatible with natural and social science.Organization Environment,29(1), 97-123. Veit, D., Clemons, E., Benlian, A., Buxmann, P., Hess, T., Kundisch, D., ... Spann, M. (2014). Business models.Business Information Systems Engineering,6(1), 45-53. Wirtz, B. W., Pistoia, A., Ullrich, S., Gttel, V. (2016). Business models: Origin, development and future research perspectives.Long Range Planning,49(1), 36-54.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Traveling Through the Dark free essay sample
Swerve means to go off path to get around something. Although not all situations are choices, there are times when a person must stop and make a choice to take another path. The author’s choice to use the word ‘swerve’ represents the uncertainty of life and how often people come across situations that were not at first apart of their path, and swerving is the only opinion in order to get where they want to be. The setting is dark and fills the poem with a feeling of danger and suspense; the suspense of a decision between life and death. Traveling through the dark†not only shows the narrator literally traveling at night, but also shows confusion. The narrator is all alone in the dark of the night with no one to help make a choice. Also the quotation â€Å"I stood in the warm exhaust turning red†symbolizes the fawn and the dead mother. We will write a custom essay sample on Traveling Through the Dark or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ‘Red’ indicates death and blood, and ‘warm’ signifies the warmth being exposed from the deer’s stomach because of the life inside of it. It also appeals to the senses of sight and touch because the narrator can see the dead deer but was unable to notice the fawn until he touched the mother’s stomach. The author also uses personification in line fourteen, â€Å"under the hood purred the steady engine. †The author gives the inside of the car life like actions, although realistically, the car is not alive. Just as, the deer itself is not alive, yet inside of it a fawn is living, breathing, and being supported off of its dead mother. â€Å"Her fawn lay there waiting, alive, still, never to be born. Beside that mountain road I hesitated. †The narrator felt no guilt in throwing the â€Å"heap†over the side of the canyon. However, upon learning that beside him there lay a fawn waiting on his decision; waiting for her inevitable fate to be revealed, the narrator’s mind is changed. He believes death is a part of life, and it is not be grieved over, but rather to be only respected. But life on the other hand, is to be valued, and although it is remarkable that the fawn is still being supported, there are other lives at stake that deserve to be cherished. The narrator encountered his â€Å"only swerving†and â€Å"thought hard for us all†and chose to throw the dead deer and her living fawn over the edge for â€Å"to swerve might make more dead. †Traveling Through the Dark free essay sample The poem by William Stafford, â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark†presents readers with an uncomfortable and rather grim instance of the intersection of the natural world and that of man. Technology, in this case cars and the man-made road, are seen as something invasive and harmful in this poem. In order to convey the meaning of the poem â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark†by William Stafford uses a conversational style to communicate the theme in the poem of the role of technology in modern life and, more importantly, the theme of man versus nature becomes apparent. There are multiple ways of perceiving the poem and the tensions between man and technology it presents. One viewpoint, as expressed by Judith Kitchen in her book â€Å"Writing the World: Understanding William Staffordâ€Å", suggests that the poem by Stafford, â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark†demonstrates â€Å"the encroachment of mechanized society on the wilderness†(Kitchen). For Kitchen, this poem deceptively simple and straightforward title of the poem by William Stafford, â€Å"Travelling Through the Dark†and its conversational style belie an incredibly deep sense of pain and guilt that the narrator suffers through. We will write a custom essay sample on Traveling Through the Dark or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By examining the way the poem uses language to express these emotions, particularly by looking at the way certain objects take on a life (the car, for instance, which itself â€Å"aims†and swerves†as though it is the embodiment of man and technology) Kitchen expresses how the poem by Stafford â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark†hides a complex message about man and nature behind deceptively simple phrasing, syntax, and tone. She points out ways in which some very simple word choices in the poem by William Stafford, â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark†take on monumental importance, stating, for example, that when the poet refers to the â€Å"group†witnessing this event, â€Å"The group appears to be the man, the deer, the unborn fawn, and by extension, all of nature†(Kitchen). In short, Judith Kitchen assists the casual reader of this poem to see past the conversational style and into the more metaphorical and implicit meanings of what seem like blunt word and image choices on the part of Stafford. Kitchen is not alone in her perception of this poem as a statement about the collision of man and technology. In his article, â€Å"Traveling Through the Dark: The Wilderness Surrealism of the Far West†by William Young, the images and sounds of machines and nature are at the apex of its meaning. As he points out, â€Å"In Stanza Four, we have the juxtaposition of machine and wilderness, complicated by the animal ‘purr’ of the motor and the human listening of the wilderness†(Young 193). While his article examines the role of surrealism in this poem, this lending of human characteristics to nature and machines (and the reverse as well) is part of the surreal quality of the poem. Young is interested in the way the sounds of machines are like those in nature and how some of the same images one finds in nature are part of both humanity and technology simultaneously. In short, Young presents a very broad scope in his discussion of this poem and he looks at the vast nature of the message he suggests Stafford is trying to convey. As both articles suggest, there is a clear message in the poem about the intersection of man, nature, and technology. The narrator’s car itself is like a character in the poem and as Young suggests, it â€Å"purrs†and seems to make its own decisions to swerve. It is careless and driven by something mindlessâ€â€something not in touch with the more gently representation of nature. It is worth noting that the deer is a doe that is pregnant and is thus nature at its weakest and most vulnerable. The opposition between a motor and a man-made road and the natural world is obvious and the man must push the deer into the river, which is back into the circulation of the natural world. There is a tension here and the poem’s aim is to make the reader see this as a negative encounter. The speaker, as Kitchen suggests, is almost afraid to utter strong words and he skirts around things he might otherwise say in a more blunt fashion, as would fit with the conversational tone of the poem. For instance, instead of saying the deer was pregnant, he says, â€Å"I dragged her off, she was large in the belly. The sense is that it would be too difficultâ€â€to humanâ€â€to suggest she was pregnant. Instead, the narrator puts it in a way we can digest. He cannot come out and discuss the impact of car (technology) on the natural world, but skirts around it and discusses the deer as something entirely different and alien from the man-made elements surrounding her. The uncomfortable way the narrator describes the event, along with interesting choices of words and phrasing, makes the reader aware that this oem is meant to reflect the idea that this was a negative experience and that man and technology are encroaching on the wilderness and causing harm. The fact that it was not just a deer but a pregnant female deer is important because it shows nature at its most vulnerable. It also shows the way that technology and man feel obligated to â€Å"do something†in nature, even if it is a service (like removing a dead deer from the road) and presents the way this is an uncomfortable task as it highlights the tensions between man and nature.
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